LogoInsider was founded by Howard Marks, a logo design expert who has more than five years of experience in running logo design contests in many business niches. Howard is often approached by companies to design logos within agreed budget and right on time. Acting as a middle man, Howard uses his experience in countless logo design contests and 1-to-1 assessments to deliver the perfect logo for his clients.
Howard specializes in providing priceless information, which will help you get the best logo design for your brand. Although accounting standards classify costs related to logo design as an expense, it should be treated as an investment. The same goes for the information given on this site.
LogoInsider is a must read resource if you are:
- Holding or planning to hold a logo design contest in the future
- The owner of a company whose logo does not meet today’s standards
- Simply interested in logo design and ‘insider’ tips from the industry
Here is how LogoInsider can help you and your business:
- Drastically increase your chances of running a successful logo contest
- Teach you how colors and shapes in the logo can help or ruin your brand
- Help you discover what makes a good logo and how to avoid overused or copied designs
- Give you practical information that you can apply immediately
Feel free to get in touch via our Contact page.
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